Your Stressful Job Causes Hair Loss
Women need to keep their hair looking healthy and strong. But did you know that your stressful job can cause significant hair loss? So if you want to maintain a healthy head of hair, it might be time for a career change. Find out how below!
Stressful jobs can cause hair loss. A study found that women who reported feeling stressed at work had a 20% higher rate of hair loss than those who did not report being stressed.
If you find yourself losing more hair than normal or have noticed bald patches on your scalp, the best thing to do is talk to your doctor about these symptoms and what they could mean for you. The good news is that there are many ways to combat this issue. For example, try new hairstyles like wearing headbands or ponytails, adding volume with volumizing mousse, changing your shampoo routine by switching out products.
Can stress damage your hair?
Nowadays, many people are experiencing stress from the workplace. This is often due to an unhealthy balance between home life and work life. As a result, people may feel as if they have no control over their lives or what is happening around them- this, combined with high expectations at work, can lead to anxiety attacks or even withdrawal symptoms such as depression, insomnia, excessive worry, irritability, etc. These are all examples of how stress affects someone’s mental health, which has physical effects on hair.
The connection between stress and hair loss
Hair loss is a stressful and upsetting experience for many women, but there are simple ways to fight back. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, stress can affect hair growth: cortisol levels increase, and testosterone levels decrease. The result is shedding or thinning hair as well as increased scalp sensitivity and dandruff. However, there are things that you can do to manage your stress, such as getting enough sleep (at least eight hours per night), drinking plenty of water (eight glasses per day), and exercising regularly (30 minutes at least five days per week). If you need help with this, talk with your doctor about taking anti-depressants or other medication, including beta-blockers which may be prescribed by a dermatologist if necessary.
The scalp responds to stress by reducing its oil production, which results in dryness and itchiness. This drier environment makes it easier for hairs to break off when they’re being combed or brushed. Additionally, according to dermatologists, stress decreases blood flow to the scalp, resulting in fewer nutrients getting delivered to the follicles where new hairs grow from – leading again to increased risk of breakage.